Art & Pleasure

Picture this: the scene is in the 1960s. Everyone was protesting and seeking liberation. Particularly, women were demanding sexual liberation along with the feminist movement. As stated by Anna Souter in Art and the Sexual Revolution, “As social mores surrounding sexuality began to relax in the early 1960s, sexual explicitness became an acknowledged source and subject for culture. Sex became something to be represented, scrutinized, and celebrated in art.”

You may recall seeing many sexually explicit art dating back centuries, but, as with most things, it was the men who were “liberated” enough to be able to depict sexuality on canvas or via sculpture. With the rise of feminism in the 60s and 70s, the freedom to express yourself heavily coincides with art.

Since sexual liberty and art tie together so well, we wanted to provide you with some inspiration and great artists to follow! Below are some of our favorite artists’ Instagram pages:


Do you feel that? That, my friends, is what we call INSPIRATION. Give these beauties a follow and be sure to like, love, support, buy some prints! If you’re really feeling inspiration, grab some paint and call your inner artist.