Let's Talk About Gender Justice
2020 seems like it has been the year that the world has woken up to fight the system. With racial injustice and gender inequality being very important issues, it helps to identify the why. You’ve heard the phrase “representation matters,” right? Right. Okay this is the case for all races, and all genders. Yes, all genders. Not only does representation matter for those who are looking to find more people like them in high-profile jobs, but also for all people to see this representation.
In the United States, it is estimated that 0.6% of US citizens identify as transgender or non-binary. Which sounds like a small number, but that means about 2 million people in the US identify as such. Looking at 2018 US Congress numbers - those identify as transgender or non-binary equals, drumroll please, 0%. So, what can we do? Well, let’s start by educating ourselves and paying attention.
First of all, Know Your Rights! Lamda Legal provides some great resources for trans people and their advocates to learn more about their rights and resources. Even if you or someone you love is not trans - it’s still important information to have.
Now, follow, follow follow! Show your support on social media and learn more along the way.
@translawcenter Transgender Law Center: TLC does what it takes to keep trans & gender nonconforming people alive, thriving, & fighting for liberation.
@blacktranscircles_tlc Black Trans Cirlces: Black Trans Circles (BTC) develops the leadership of Black trans women in the South and Midwest through the creation of healing justice spaces.
@lambdalegal Lambda Legal: We’re the oldest & largest national legal organization working for the civil rights of #LGBTQ people & everyone living with #HIV.
Okay love bugs, learn and support!